Wednesday, March 7, 2018

O to know Me Child; ALL OF ME; Me in My Fullness.
This is My heart's first and DEEPEST desire - and it is also yours.
This is the Cry of My Heart - and it is also yours.
Do you remember -
          when I came searching for Adam and Eve in My garden, in the cool of the day?
The yearning of My Heart was for them to be with ME always
This is the same yearning I have for you, My Beloved. I long for you to draw near to Me;
And  My Heart is filled with such joy when we are together; No greater joy is there for Me than when one of My Children chooses Me over the temptations of the world - even for just a few moments.
I AM the Almighty and infinitely powerful God: You are only complete through your union with Me: The joy you so desperately seek - and need - is neither complete nor fulfilled without Me. Even before you reach my throne I AM already there to meet you.
As much as you love Me and desire to be with Me where I AM , My Love and Desire for you is infinitely greater. I have planted this Garden for YOU and within it are the fruits pertaining to Life: Exceedingly, abundantly more than you could ask or even imagine, have I reserved in Heaven for you. I have fruit for every season  in your life, and some of these seasons will be inevitably harder than others: But in every season I INVITE YOU TO TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD! I invite you into the garden I have planted for you, to take My yoke upon you and learn from Me: Be yoked to Me and I will be with you - and when I AM with you the burden will always be light.
Be yoked together with Me; that you can learn My Ways and walk in them.  For as the heavens are higher than the Earth, you can take comfort in this:  That My Ways are infinitely higher than yours, and to walk in them is safety, comfort and Rest for your soul.
When you are yoked together with Me, you are never alone, and even in your darkest hour, even in the most dire of circumstances, you can take heart in the truth that I will never leave you or forsake you, but will daily bare your burdens: On the cross I became forsaken, so that you will never, ever have to face ANYTHING alone!
To be yoked with Me is to know that you have the victory in EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE.
To be yoked with Me is to TRUST Me over every circumstance; to acknowledge Me as LORD over every situation and to walk in humble obedience.
To be yoked with Me requires your cooperation and TOTAL surrender - and if you are willing to take My yoke upon you, I promise to give you My Grace to endure through the hardest of times; to stand victorious over the mightiest of giants, and to lead you from strength to strength, all the way through to Life Everlasting.
Remember that I AM the Only Way, the Only Truth, the Only Life --- and I have made a Way for You.
Matt 16:24;  Matt 11:28-30;  Matt 27:46; Ps 84:7; 1 Samuel 17

Thursday, March 1, 2018

"Christ Belongs to ALL PEOPLE.
(Don't let anyone tell you that's its white or black)"
- Billy Graham

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"I lead you and keep you on My Paths, so you are safe and may have deliverance from your enemies; that you may experience My Goodness and My Mercy, and that you will be KNOWN AS RIGHTEOUS - for with every step you take on that Path you become more like Me.
Even when that Way leads you through the valley of the shadow of death you need not fear, for I uphold you with My Righteous Right Hand and I have promised to never leave you or forsake you. Indeed the paths you walk have already been trodden by Me, so simply set your feet in the foot prints of Me your Master.
This Way I call you to tread is narrow but sure:  There will be no stronger foundation in your life than when I call you to walk in My Ways, for I AM the Way, the Truth, the Life, and My Ways ALWAYS lead to Life. 

Image result for god our father

No one comes to The Father except through the Son; 
"Yet it is OUR desire, and has always been, from the very beginning, that you will know Me. For when you look at My Son, you see Me, your Father; and when you choose to walk in His Ways, you are walking in Mine. Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I WILL give you REST. This is not a temporary or conditional or incomplete rest, but this is MY REST, that I ACCOMPLISHED and COMPLETED through my Son before I laid the foundations of the world.  For YOU My Child. For YOU, THIS REST IS FOR YOU and it breaks My heart when My children, for whom I gave My Only Son, LACK THE FAITH TO ENTER IN

Come to Me, and trust in the Love that has overcome Death; Let Me in and Sup with Me that you will know Me. For to know Me child - to truly know Me - is to KNOW MY REST, and to know Rest is to know Life and know it to its fullest. 
And to Know Life is to have the courage to lay down your own; and dare to receive with all your heart and soul the greatest gift that I have ever given;
This is the gift that I gave through 
My Son, on the seventh day, when 
I said "It is done!"
So abide with Me now, - Enter My Rest
And receive from Me Child, My very Best.

Ps 23,  Genesis 2:1-3, Hebrews 4:3-11, John 14:9, John 17:3