"I AM the God of Restoration, My Child. I restore you; I restore your life; I restore your soul. Harken unto Me; Hear the Voice of your Creator. For I have searched you and I know you intimately. Is that not a good thing My Child? Think on this: Nothing you think, say or do takes Me by surprise. I know when you rise and when you sit; I know when you are up and when you are down; I know the things that cause you to withdraw, to run, to hide from Me. I see the bondages, the hidden sin. I love you when you lift your head high before Me, confidently radiating and basking in My Glory; I love you when you run and hide from Me in the shadows, in those moments of fear shame and condemnation. My Child, I seek you out at those times and encourage you through repentance, to step into the Light of My Presence, where there is no condemnation and where sin and darkness cannot abide, but only Light and Truth, for it is My truth that sets you free.
I know what makes you sad, anxious, afraid. I also know what excites you, brings you joy, causes you to wonder and question, fills you with compassion, quickens you to action and overwhelms you with love. My love for you is steadfast through every season, every up and down moment in your life. I know you in ways that you do not yet know; I see the untapped areas of your life that are, right now beyond your comprehension. I see you as perfect My Child, radiating and reflecting all of My Goodness. I am overwhelmed with joy at the person you are, and filled with excitement at the person you will yet become - And when you look at Me - when you really focus on Me, you will begin to see yourself as I see you.
"Oh Lord, You keep Me on the path of Light;
You keep Me going strong.
I bow the knee to worship Thee;
My Life, my Strength, my Song
"For there is much Freedom in Me, My Child;
When you know the One to whom you belong."