Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017
The Lord’s Supper
All who are thirsty, come unto Me; Isaiah 55:1 - abridged
Buy wine and milk - its all free!
I hesitate as I ponder His Words:
"There must be something He wants", - and the Lord overheard:
"Silver and gold I do not require
But something far more precious do I desire:
Are you willing, My Child, to give Me your life: Galatians 2:19-20
Your hopes and your dreams; your worries and strife?
The things you are proud of,
and the things that you hide:
Can you trust these to Me, with your heart open wide?
“Are you willing to place My Will above all, Luke 22:42
Even when it makes you feel so small?
For some things that you value - when given up to My cross;
things once thought as gain, you will now see as loss. Philippians 3:3-8
"Will you come to My Table to enter My Rest - Hebrews 4:3, Matt. 11:28-30
Can you drink of My blood and eat of My flesh?
For here at My Table is where true Life begins: John 6:53-55
My perfect Life, in exchange for your sin.
"Are you willing to become the servant of all? Matthew 20:25-28
- where so few are chosen, though so many I call! Matthew 22:14
Can you abase yourself just like My Son, Philippians 2:5-8
And esteem others greater - every one; Philippians 2:3
while you find Rest, in My arms of Love,
knowing all that you need only comes from above? Matthew 6:33, Colossians 3:2
Do you trust Me enough to find Rest in these words: -
'You are always with me. Everything I have is yours.'?
“Are you willing to place My Will above all, Luke 22:42
Even when it makes you feel so small?
For some things that you value - when given up to My cross;
things once thought as gain, you will now see as loss. Philippians 3:3-8
"Will you come to My Table to enter My Rest - Hebrews 4:3, Matt. 11:28-30
Can you drink of My blood and eat of My flesh?
For here at My Table is where true Life begins: John 6:53-55
My perfect Life, in exchange for your sin.
"Are you willing to become the servant of all? Matthew 20:25-28
- where so few are chosen, though so many I call! Matthew 22:14
Can you abase yourself just like My Son, Philippians 2:5-8
And esteem others greater - every one; Philippians 2:3
while you find Rest, in My arms of Love,
knowing all that you need only comes from above? Matthew 6:33, Colossians 3:2
Do you trust Me enough to find Rest in these words: -
'You are always with me. Everything I have is yours.'?
Luke 15:31 (Read Luke 15:11-32)
Will you love My prodigals - welcome them home,
placing their needs above your own? John 15:13
Will you love My prodigals - welcome them home,
placing their needs above your own? John 15:13
"Will you build others up, not tear them down; 1 Thess. 5:7; Heb. 10:24-25, Eph.4:29, Romans 14:19
Will you build the wall? Nehemiah ch. 3.4
Will you fight for the crown? Revelation 2:10, Revelation 3:11,
Will you enter in through the narrow gate, Matthew 7:13-14; John 10:9
By choosing Love instead of hate? Ephesians 4:15
Will you let Me create a clean heart in you, Psalm 51:10
so you love, not just friends, but enemies too? Matthew 5:44,46
My Child, this is the person that I see in you: Colossians 3:3
One like My Son - created brand new! 1 John 3:2
For only by this Way, can you be free:- John 14:4-6
The whole of you - for the whole of Me! John 3:16
This is the Gift that I willingly give when you come to My Table -
That you may live!" Isaiah 55:1
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
One Made Whole
Luke 17:11-19 - Ten Lepers Healed
Luke 17: 15 - And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God. And he fell on his face at His feet giving thanks.
Luke 17:17 - And Jesus answering said, "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?
Luke 17:19 - And He said unto him, "Arise, go thy way. Thy faith has made thee whole"
The Greek word for whole here is Soso - meaning to keep safe and rescue from danger or destruction (Hell). When Jesus walked the Earth he healed many people of all kinds of physical ailments. But His desire, and the desire of the Father who sent Him, was to do so much more than that.
As God in a human body, Jesus met the physical needs of the people. to prepare their hearts for the great work of salvation and healing needed in their souls that, through his sacrifice on the cross, he yearned so much to give them - and us.
Ten lepers were physically healed, but only one was made whole(Spirit, soul and body) . Why? Because with gratitude in his heart, he turned back to thank God - and he worshiped.
For are we not all like these lepers in our souls; alienated from our loving Creator, through the terrible disease of sin? The One who made a leper completely whole is the same One who is able to completely heal the hearts and souls of every person who will come to Him with a humble heart, believing that he is able.
John 5:2-9
Meanwhile at the Bethesda Pool:.....Jesus asks a paralytic a paramount question: "Do you want to be whole? Read John 5:1
How could this man have sinned? He had been in a paralyzed state, sitting in the SAME PLACE for 38 years. It seems more likely that his sin was a sin of the heart: Unbelief, leading to murmuring and complaining, leading to bitterness and self pity: "Sir I have no man, when the water is troubled, to pick me up and put me into the pool: but while I am coming another steps down before me." This man's sickness was one of the heart, and Jesus knew that. As already stated Jesus healed the outside so He could reach the inside. On the outside Jesus can make us well, but only from the inside can He make us whole.
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