"For better or for worse; for richer or poorer in spirit; in sickness
and in health; in times of strength or weakness, joy or sorrow, faith or
doubt; humility or pride, freedom or bondage; light or darkness, I Love
You My Bride; I have Pledged Myself To you (I Am with you for the long
haul - right to the end). I have shed My blood for you, drenched you in
My love and forgiveness; infused your weaknesses with the immutable
strength of the Godhead and soon I will return and take you as My Own -
My pure, spotless Bride - for this is how I see you. Keep your eyes and
your heart on Me; look for my return; seek My Will before your own,
seek to please Me before others or Yourself. I will not forsake you; I
love you more than you could ever know. I have pledged Myself to You and
I promise I will come for You" xxxx Your Bridegroom Yeshua
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