Thursday, July 29, 2021

"What a MAGNIFICENT puzzel you are…” 

The Lord quickened those words to me, from the movie Narnia - Voyage of the Dawn Treddor.


Because there are many times when we may not understand ourselves (read Romans 7)…

When we may be vexed, frustrated, discouraged at ourselves as Christians…

but the Lord is not!

He is not baffled by us…

He shed His blood for us!

 "You are dearly loved and cherished, and meticulously created by Me ON PURPOSE!"

(Now read Romans 8)

#FollowingJesus #aliveinchrist #FindingJesus #KnowingJesus


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Although the accuser of the brethren may try, he cannot lay any charge against you whom I have chosen. 

Because of the Sacrifice of my Son, your slate is wiped clean…

because of His shed blood, you, may child are free…to run the race of faith; unshackled from your past and going from glory to glory…

Until, as I have promised, you WILL appear before me in Zion- and again I promise, THIS DAY WILL COME…it has been written…I will surely come for you…

So set your sights on things of Heaven…

set your heart on pilgrimage…

set your face to seek Me; 

and as I promised, you WILL find Me, if you search…for ME…with all your heart - I WILL be found by you. 

You must take courage from these truths in My Word, and press in to know me, in these last days. 

For the one who endures to the end will reap a harvest for my Kingdom, if they do not grow weary…

and to the one who overcomes…” Read Revelation ch 2 & 3

Romans 8:33

Psalm 84:5-7

Colossians 3:2-4

Matthew 6:31-33

Jeremiah 29:13

Galatians 6:8-10/Isaiah 40:30-31

Revelation 21:1-7

#FollowingJesus #FindingJesus #KnowingJesus


Saturday, July 10, 2021

 Although my strength  is almost gone, HE is right here in the midst of the storm;

Although I feel at war within, I can rejoice for I have HIM;

and though my world comes crashing down, no power on earth can steel my crown; 

To my beloved LORD I belong; this is my strength, this is my song:


SOLD OUT TO JESUS ALL MY DAYS - glory to God forever and ever Amen!

 I thank God because He has...

Said “no” to me

Told me to wait

Told me to stop

Cared enough about me, to not give me whatever I want, whenever I want it, just because I think I need it.

My heart ❤️is that precious to Him.



You are the breath of my mouth

You are the Light in my eyes

You are the Beat of my heart - 

a whispering voice saying "Arise!"

You are my life O Lord - the reason I stay strong

A rising HOPE - for in your Heart I know that I belong!


Thursday, July 8, 2021

 I am weeping and trembling as I write this - and you can call me crazy if you want…but I have seen an end times army marching under Christ, that is powerful…no, invincible…because it consists of whole FAMILIES…with (wherever possible) men at the head. These men were organized…and galvanized. They were dressed for battle and ready to fight…for their families - and specifically, their children.

This is why I fast for families…the heart of God IS family…America has fought so hard for the family: and the Lord knows, I am not ready to be raptured out, leaving families in disarray…fathers estranged for their children…children lost and walking the street. 

But the Lord wants to do something through His Church, that is outside of our box…It will take reconciliation…it will take a miracle…it will take PRAYER

(If anyone feels led to join me PLEASE let me know…I need all the help I can get lol)

#fastforfamily #WatchmanOnTheWall #ArmyOfTheLord

To be continued…

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

 Luke 22:41-44…Thank you Jesus…thank you, thank you, thank you…

On behalf of Adam, Seth, Noah, Abraham, and the great cloud of witnesses…

On behalf of Mary & Joseph, Nicodemus, the man born blind, the penitent thief on the cross, Peter, Paul and the trail blazers of the Christian faith…

On behalf of myself, my believing family, my children and all my brothers and sisters in Christ…

On behalf of the nations of the world, the multitudes of Africa and Asia, the great multitude yet to be saved, the 144,000 Jews and all who will choose You in the end…

THANK YOU…that when the weight (and the fate) of all humanity was literally on your shoulders, you did not succumb to sin…You overcame it.

#FollowingJesus #FindingJesus #KnowingJesus

I am overwhelmed and weeping. 

I had become so disillusioned with the greed and total corruption I had witnessed, even in the Church, these last few years - 

And then I went to a baseball game…and watched scores of children running the bases, curtesy of the Bowling Green Hotrods.

Children from around 12 to as young as 2 years old began to deeply stir my heart. They ran hard…they ran well…

Tears began to fill my eyes as I watched moms running with their children…dads picking up their smallest ones and carrying them, proudly across the finish line…

Older siblings helping their younger ones…whole families “running the race” and entering in together. 

And I saw through the eyes of the Lord…

I saw revival. 

As I stood shaking at the top of the bleachers…trying to hold myself together around several hundred people, I was reminded by the Lord of my Fast For Family…

And I realized why and what it is that we are fighting for in this nation…what is God’s heart and soul towards America really…? 

It is Family 

Happy July 4th everyone